Cool and Cute. We used cutting edge technology to create these pups 10x smaller than a chihuahua that are happy where you live.
Easy. No need for a yard. An apartment provides more than enough space for your pup
Longevity. Smaller dogs live longer due to less growth hormone....look cuter too.
Exclusive. These tiny pups are a completely new discovery. We control the technology and are the only breeder with our boutique, making a pup that is uniquely yours and healthy for life.
Smart. We are dog lovers and researchers, so we know all the data about what makes a great dog, which we put into these pups.
The Science and Numbers
The average Tiny Puppy weighs just 0.25 pounds (~100 grams) when fully grown, 10x smaller than a chihuahua.
How we did it: Using a neural network (an AI method), we compared the genome of thousands of dogs and other canids (foxes, wolves, coyotes, etc) using data from the NHGRI and other sources. We found just 10 genes contributed to 89% of what makes dogs smaller. Nobody else has this data, so only we can produce tiny pups.
We then use a technique called CRISPR to precisely edit the genome at these 10 genes to create these tiny wonders.
A Bright Future for You and Your Tiny Puppy
The tiny pups are so small that they love the massive space pretty much anywhere, even in tiny city apartments. Also, even expensive dog foods to keep your pup healthy becomes suddenly affordable for everyone due to their small size.
Future Products:To make your experience with your pups even more fun, we are developing our line of dog products, including accessories (collars, leashes, etc), transportation (cages and carriers), and playgrounds (similar to a hamster playground, but built like a dog park). See one of our first products, the tiny collar, on one of the tiny pups below.
We love your pup too! We offer 100% health coverage, so our startup can learn more about these tiny pups and the advantages they offer for modern living and their pup parents.
All Tiny Pups and Tiny Pup products can be purchased ONLY with the $SMOLPUP currency.
We were early adopters of Bitcoin, and believe the $SMOLDOG currency will help to build our community, provide value, and create excitement.